Dear Black Woman, create from your wonderful that you surely carry inside of you!

Speaking to my Dear Sister Friend recently, she was shared about a conference she had attended and how the people in room had 7 figure businesses.
The room had an electric vibe and sounded like an uplifting experience.
It's the power of being with like minded people, the energy is palpable. I could feel it as she spoke and yet my mind started to wonder,
how many of those millionaires created their 7 figures from their wounds?
I would love to poll them to see how many businesses had father wounds built in to them. How many of the millionaires in room are still suffering abandonment and if not healed where does the abandonment go? Does it show up in their board room, their products? Their relationships?
I wondered how many truly did the work to alleviate their emotional pain or used the pain as a driving force to build their 7 figures.
Money shows up and stays or leaves differently when our pain is complete. When you do the work love shows up, stays or leaves differently because we're operating from our wonderful. You show up differently when you create, think, pray from your wonderful instead of your wound.
But you must access that wonderment inside of you.
Are you creating from your wound or your wonderful?
Asking for a friend!
Love Jill
PS. The Inner Child phase of The InHer Sacred Journey is now open for enrollment.
If you are ready to heal your past pain or figure out how your present pain is rooted in your childhood experiences I want you to schedule a call with me.
If you are ready to feel what exhilaration, calm and clarity that being unbound from bullshit brings I'd like to listen to your challenge and then share with you how I can help.
We use play in our shadow work as one of the spiritual tools to activate our bliss body and heal our wounded child so we mix joy with our tears and begin the process of creating from our wonderful.
If this is you, schedule your discovery call today by click the button below!